Artist Career Plan

Career goal: 

  1. To become a Berklee College Professor of Music.
  2. To become a Songwriter and a Performer.
  3. To record and publish a couple of full albums.


  • Bachelor's degree in Music.
  • Advanced degree in Music Education.
  • Excellent writing skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Excellent critical thinking skills.
  • Excellent time management skills.
  • Good ability to learn new skills.
  • Mastery of main performing instrument (guitar).
  • Mastery of main songwriting instrument (keys, voice).
  • Become established as a Blues Rock artist.
  • Able to demonstrate a professional level of applied Music Theory. 
  • Achieve a professional level of proficiency in Music Harmony.
  • Accumulated education knowledge.
  • Accumulated education experience.
  • Proficiency in creating ISO standards formatted courses.
  • Proficiency in Content Creation.
  • Proficiency in DAW.
  • Proficiency in Film Editing and Producing. 
  • 100k followers on Youtube.

Current skills, interests, and experience 

  • Thirty years of professional experience in IT, Linux SME, RHCE Certified, Linux System Administrator, Linux System Engineer, Linux Instructor, Linux Technical Support Engineer, Linux Course Creator, and Linux Content Creator.
  • Apple Mac troubleshooting, maintenance, and optimization skills.
  • Fluency in some DAW's, namely Logic Pro X, and UA Luna.
  • Project Management.
  • Critical Thinker.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Professional Troubleshooter.
  • Reverse engineering.
  • Guitar Tech.
  • Professional Driver.
  • Licensed Airplane Pilot (critical thinking, rapid decision making under pressure).

Plan to reach the career goal: 

  • Bachelor of Music, Guitar Performance, Songwriting, at Berklee College of Music 2023.
  • Advanced Studies in Music Theory, Harmony, Singing, in 2025. 
  • Advanced Studies in Music Education.

Job experience: 

  • Continue to plan and develop Music lessons and classes.
  • Work as a music teacher locally, through ads, small music schools, or a private teacher.
  • Connect with Music Industry professionals, performers, producers, writers, and all professionals.
  • Collaborate with other Songwriters and Musicians.

Career Plan - Final thoughts and considerations

My contacts list is getting a remodel since switching careers to the Music  Industry. I have been working on making contacts within the Music Industry since I started changing careers.

All of my new connections come from the digital world of the Internet, due to the ongoing worldwide pandemic.

While purchasing some gear through local classified ads, I came across a new contact that turned out to be a professional studio and gigging guitarist from Nashville that has moved up here to the Capital metropolitan area. As we talked about some of our gear, we found many things we had in common as musicians, from influences to styles and playing personalities. I'm quite happy with the equipment I purchased from him, and he told me after listening to a couple of my songs that he'll be following my career and that if invited, he'd play for me live or on records doing some studio sessions. It did break my heart to learn that he left Nashville to work in the construction business, having left his music legacy behind.

Moving forward, I started my degree studies at Berklee. I find it that it does open new doors within the industry. It is an aspect that I hadn't predicted. It already helped me solidify more a new connection I've been nurturing, a fantastic songwriter with whom I've been privileged enough to collaborate in one of my songs. It has helped me reactivate some old connections in the industry I already had. I'm also making new connections with other students and teachers, and it is starting to feel like a family to me.

This week while reviewing and working on my career plan, I see the pieces of the puzzle are starting to match up together,  suggesting that I'm on track going in the right direction.

It is a time of significant change for me. I look with some sadness to the career I once had, that I worked so hard for so many years to become what I've become. I remember how hard I had to work on my skills to be the best that I could be at what I was doing. I leave behind more than three successful decades dedicated to that profession, quite a legacy. I had a great run! The time to part ways has come. A part of me says goodbye to another part of me, shake hands, hug very tightly. I know I've done well. It is now time to accept and embrace change. 

A new world of possibilities is opening up right before my very eyes, and I find myself in awe at every stepping stone on my way to my new career, almost like my new self. I'm becoming more of a believer, regardless of any handicaps I may have, such as age or a late start.

I'm so proud of currently building the foundations of a new life, with new aspirations and new dreams. I'm rebuilding myself in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and I'm making something new out of me, a much happier self. I'll finally be able to bring some healing and hope to the world in my way!


What Is Art?
